Monday, March 10, 2014

Bayonne France - Saturday, March 8th.

The TGV from Paris to Bayonne is a quiet and smooth 5 hour trip and passes quickly ($123 EU). The French have perfected public transportation.

After the expanse and bustle of Paris, Bayonne is a welcome change. Here the small city near the Atlantic is bi-sected by the River Adour. The north side with the train station is the seedier side. The south is the center and has a peaceful, old European feel with narrow streets, shops and restaurants.

I found my way to the Hotel de Arceaux (16 rooms) just below the Cathedral Saint Marie and a block from the Adour. This is a lovely town and a place where you can get comfortable in just a day or 2.

Bayonne is known for it´s "jambon" - flavored hams. There are many shops with large quarters of preserved hog hanging in the windows. I found a friendly spot on the river and treated myself to a mixed jambom plate for Saturday night.
Four flavors, thinly sliced and served on a slate with pate, bread,  little green peppers and spicy mustard. Add a couple of glasses of local wine selected by the bartender.

With his insistence, and on the house - an aperitif of chilled poire (pear) spirits that just sparkled on the palate (90 proof). Jambon special with wine and poire liqueur - $23 EU.

Tomorrow - Sunday I will move on the Spain.

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