Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Leon to Santiago.

I've made wonderful time since leaving Burgos - Sunday noon. In two days I covered 114 miles to arrive in Leon a day sooner than expected.

The Elvis Bar in Reliegos
The terrain has become monotonous, and I pedal for hours, head down in the sun. I am thinking of home.

My plan is to make Santiago by March 25, or 26. I want to get my Compostela on the 27th.

From there, I will head down to Vigo on the coast (a two day ride) and pedal south into Portugal. At the same time, I will try to sell the bike wherever I can (opportunidad) for the best deal I can get. When sold, I will get on a train. Maybe I'm in Lisbon for two or three days and then I'll head to the airport and see if SATA won't put me on an earlier flight to Boston.

Want to put some SHOUTS out to:
Marti and David from Milbury, Wisecticut - and
Heather and Julia, hermanas from Stamford, CT


  1. Tom, I was just able to catch up on your blog after missing several postings. You write well, and I truly enjoy your stories from the road (and your pictures too). I am looking forward to hearing more and more. Thank you for sharing, and stay safe!
    Hugs, Darlene

  2. Who would have thought to pack an extra set of brake pads?? You confirmed what I already knew .... going down is way more fun!
